CSR Initiatives

Offensive CSR activities - To meet the expectations from society -

Creating value with communities

Contributing to local society
Developing a cooperative relationship with local residents is critical to the continuance of a company. Building a friendly relationship with the community is also essential to secure human resources.
Our group is striving to become a company loved and welcomed by the local community and has been taking initiatives for quite some time.
Participated in civic activities of Toshima-ku; Spaces repainted with our paints.

Case examples

Invigorating the local community with our products (Japan)

Our headquarters is located in Ikebukuro, a part of Toshima-ku, Tokyo. Toshima-ku conducts many civic activities, such as those for SDGs. Our company takes part by conducting activities of our own. For example, at Toshima-ku, tables and chairs that have become unnecessary at schools were placed on the streets to serve as resting spaces for passersby. However, the direct exposure to the environment has deteriorated their surfaces. Since these tables and chairs were made of wood, we painted them with one of our environmentally friendly product, “Bio Paint” (see page 19).

This is a case example of our purpose “Enriching the World with Our Colors and Technology”.

Improving the community environment by painting a bus stop (South Korea)

One of the bus stops near our site in South Korea was very old and gave off a dark, negative atmosphere. We worked with the local government to improve this facility and create a more comfortable and safe environment. Repainting of the entire bus stop allowed local residents to relax and wait for their bus at this renewed and comfortable bus stop.

This activity was praised by local residents and had a ripple effect of getting another bus stop repainted.



Creating job opportunities for people with disabilities (Tianjin, China)

Since we are a paint manufacturing company that uses hazardous and chemical substances, it is difficult to recruit people with disabilities. It is important that we address this issue in terms of diversity & inclusion. At our Tianjin site, we created a new internal job opportunity for people with disabilities. Employees with disabilities take care of decorative plants placed throughout the offices and sites. Creating job opportunities for people with disabilities and activities for preservation may be small steps, but these baby steps are important.

An employee tending to decorative plants

Hosting an internal flea market (Japan and South Korea)

At our sites in Japan and South Korea, we held internal flea markets where employees put clothes, bags, stuffed toys, and daily necessities that they no longer use out for sale. Other employees either bought or traded for them. Useful items that were not sold or traded were donated to local welfare organizations. The proceeds of these flea markets were donated to welfare organizations in the same area.

The utilization of items that were no longer necessary made contributors happy.

Items that were gathered for the flea market

An employee happy with a purchase

With the children (Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)

At our sites in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh, the children of our employees are local residents that are closest to our company. We created opportunities to engage in conversation with the children of our employees. We also give away presents and host sports events.

Art contest (Ha Noi)

Factory tours (Ha Noi)

Factory tours (Ho Chi Minh)

Donation activities (all sites)

Our group donates in accordance with the culture and needs of the local community. We also take part in community services (such as cleaning up) and blood donations, both of which are not included in the list below.

Rescue support of other companies (Suzhou, China)

At Suzhou, our employees provide rescue support to other companies in the same region that were damaged by a disaster.

Suzhou’s rescue team

Current challenges and responses regarding contributions to the local society

Each site conducts their own unique social contribution activities. While we find the continuance of these activities to be important, we also think it is important to bring out our uniqueness in our social contributions by filtering targets. We plan to unify activities under one theme, such as “For children and the future of Earth.”

When you hear of the term “social contributions,” you may first perceive it as a grand theme. However, I’ve realized that contributions are “naturally made” through the 5S and NIJI project. As a member of the Musashi Paint Group, I see that adding an idea in alignment with societal needs to your activities can develop into a meaningful activity that helps society, no matter how small or dull your activity may seem.

「사회 공헌」이라 하면 언뜻 장대한 테마로 생각됩니다만, 사내에서 실시하고있는 5 S프로젝트나 Niji (이념 정착) 프로젝트 역시 자연스레 사회 공헌으로이어지고 있다는 것을 새삼 깨닫게 되었습니다. 무사시 그룹의 일원으로서,눈앞의 작은 활동이라도 벡터를 사회로 맞춘 아이디어만 더한다면, 화려하지는않지만 착실하게 사회에 도움이 되는 유의미한 활동으로 이어지게 할 수 있다는것을 느꼈습니다

Korea Musashi Paint Co., Ltd.
Eunmi Lee
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